Jack Ingram

Актер или актриса (157)
Золотая гора / The Yellow Mountain (1954)
The Great Sioux Uprising (1953)
Битва на Перевале Апачей / The Battle at Apache Pass (1952)
Король Конго / King of the Congo (1952)
The Adventures of Kit Carson (1951)
Roar of the Iron Horse, Rail-Blazer of the Apache Trail (1951)
The Texan Meets Calamity Jane (1950)
Cody of the Pony Express (1950)
Конго Билл / Congo Bill (1948)
Tex Granger, Midnight Rider of the Plains (1948)
The Vigilante: Fighting Hero of the West (1947)
Chick Carter, Detective (1946)
Расхитители джунглей / Jungle Raiders (1945)
Bandits of the Badlands (1945)
The Monster and the Ape (1945)
Manhunt of Mystery Island (1945)
Thundering Gun Slingers (1944)
The Man from Thunder River (1943)
The Valley of Vanishing Men (1942)
Along the Sundown Trail (1942)
Perils of the Royal Mounted (1942)
Lone Rider in Cheyenne, The (1942)
The Lone Rider and the Bandit (1942)
Король техасских рейнджеров / King of the Texas Rangers (1941)
The Lone Rider Ambushed (1941)
The Son of Davy Crockett (1941)
The Lone Rider in Ghost Town (1941)
Robin Hood of the Pecos (1941)
Зелёный лучник / The Green Archer (1940)
Шумный город / Boom Town (1940)
The Adventures of the Masked Phantom (1939)
Пограничный горизонт / New Frontier (1939)
Дик Трейси возвращается / Dick Tracy Returns (1938)