Dennis Moore

Актер или актриса (114)
King of the Roaring 20's - The Story of Arnold Rothstein (1961)
The Slowest Gun in the West (1960)
77 Сансет Стрип / 77 Sunset Strip (1958)
Создатели страха / The Fearmakers (1958)
Escape from San Quentin (1957)
Richard Diamond, Private Detective (1957)
Начало конца / Beginning of the End (1957)
Пылающий путь / Blazing the Overland Trail (1956)
В утро Великого дня / Great Day in the Morning (1956)
Опасность диких мест / Perils of the Wilderness (1956)
Я умирал тысячу раз / I Died a Thousand Times (1955)
The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp (1955)
Приключения Рин Тин Тина / The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin (1954)
Необузданные / The Lusty Men (1952)
Приключения Супермена / Adventures of Superman (1952)
Крепость мести / Fort Defiance (1951)
The Adventures of Kit Carson (1951)
The Purple Monster Strikes (1945)
Истребитель / Destroyer (1943)
Война в северной Атлантике / Action in the North Atlantic (1943)
Tenting Tonight on the Old Camp Ground (1943)
Dawn on the Great Divide (1942)
Outlaws of Boulder Pass (1942)
The Lone Rider in Texas Justice (1942)
Lone Rider in Cheyenne, The (1942)
The Lone Rider and the Bandit (1942)
The Lone Rider Fights Back (1941)
Ellery Queen and the Murder Ring (1941)
Billy the Kid in Santa Fe (1941)
Мятеж в большом доме / Mutiny in the Big House (1939)
Ready, Willing and Able (1937)