Eddie Foy Jr.

Актер или актриса (40)
The Girl in the Empty Grave (1977)
Won Ton Ton, the Dog Who Saved Hollywood (1976)
Nanny and the Professor (1970)
30 Is a Dangerous Age, Cynthia (1968)
Колокола звонят / Bells Are Ringing (1960)
Пижамная игра / The Pajama Game (1957)
Альфред Хичкок представляет / Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955)
The Case of the Black Parrot (1941)
Texas Rangers Ride Again, The (1940)
A Fugitive from Justice (1940)
Лиллиан Расселл / Lillian Russell (1940)
Smashing the Money Ring (1939)
Маршал границы / Frontier Marshal (1939)
Code of the Secret Service (1939)
Secret Service of the Air (1939)