Percy Marmont

Rights: Unattributed. Taken from Who's Who on the Silver Screen (page 41), by Charles Donald Fox and Milton L. Silver. Published by Ross Publishing Co., 1920. Photographers are credited en masse in the book's endnotes but which photographer is , Public domain, through Wikimedia Commons.
Актер или актриса (22)
Шаги в тумане / Footsteps in the Fog (1955)
Банковский билет в миллион фунтов стерлингов / The Million Pound Note (1953)
Четырехсторонний треугольник / Four Sided Triangle (1953)
The Gambler and the Lady (1952)
Нет орхидей для мисс Блэндиш / No Orchids for Miss Blandish (1948)
Молодой и невинный / Young and Innocent (1937)