Harry H. Novak Актер или актриса (1) Schlock! The Secret History of American Movies (2001) Режиссер (1) A Scream in the Streets (1973) Продюсер (20) Ритуалы / Rituals (1977) Дитя мертвецов / The Child (1977) Wham! Bam! Thank You, Spaceman! (1975) Country Hooker (1974) The Black Alley Cats (1973) Please Don't Eat My Mother (1973) A Scream in the Streets (1973) The Dirty Mind of Young Sally (1970) The Pig Keeper's Daughter (1972) Country Cuzzins (1970) The Toy Box (1971) Midnight Plowboy (1971) I Am Curious Tahiti (1970) Табачный Руди / Tobacco Roody (1970) Booby Trap (1973) Suburban Pagans (1968) Mantis in Lace (1968) Mondo Mod (1968) The Agony of Love (1966) Kiss Me Quick! (1964)