Derwin Abrahams

Режиссер (39)
Великие приключения Капитана Кидда / The Great Adventures of Captain Kidd (1953)
The Girl from San Lorenzo (1950)
Tex Granger, Midnight Rider of the Plains (1948)
Доки Нового Орлеана / Docks of New Orleans (1948)
Riders of the Lone Star (1947)
The Stranger from Ponca City (1947)
South of the Chisholm Trail (1947)
The Fighting Frontiersman (1946)
Chick Carter, Detective (1946)
Rustlers of the Badlands (1945)
The Return of the Durango Kid (1945)
Тайна пустыни Тарзана / Tarzan's Desert Mystery (1943)
Secret of the Wastelands (1941)
The Light of Western Stars (1940)
Закон о пампасах / Law of the Pampas (1939)
North of the Rio Grande (1937)
Хопэлонг Кэссиди возвращается / Hopalong Cassidy Returns (1936)