Mikhail Rasumny

Rights: The Bureau of Industrial Service for ABC or Elgin Watch. The bureau was a division of ad agency Young & Rubicam and was used widely by those in the television industry for distribution of publicity material. There is a photographer's stamp aski, Public domain, through Wikimedia Commons.
Актер или актриса (30)
Горячая кровь / Hot Blood (1956)
Целующийся бандит / The Kissing Bandit (1948)
Пираты Монтереи / Pirates of Monterey (1947)
Синие небеса / Blue Skies (1946)
Анна и король Сиама / Anna and the King of Siam (1946)
Our Hearts Were Growing Up (1946)
Королевский скандал / A Royal Scandal (1945)
Почти твоя / Practically Yours (1944)
По ком звонит колокол / For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943)
Дорога в Марокко / Road to Morocco (1942)
Остров Уэйк / Wake Island (1942)
Оружие для найма / This Gun for Hire (1942)
Жестокий Шанхай / The Shanghai Gesture (1941)
Задержите рассвет / Hold Back the Dawn (1941)