Charles King

Актер или актриса (225)
Вот это развлечение! / That's Entertainment! (1974)
Конго Билл / Congo Bill (1948)
The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gap (1947)
Chick Carter, Detective (1946)
Расхитители джунглей / Jungle Raiders (1945)
Леди признается / The Lady Confesses (1945)
The Monster and the Ape (1945)
Gangsters of the Frontier (1944)
Thundering Gun Slingers (1944)
Черная стрела / Black Arrow (1944)
Парень по имени Джо / A Guy Named Joe (1943)
The Stranger from Pecos (1943)
The Man from Thunder River (1943)
Riders of the Rio Grande (1943)
Outlaws of Boulder Pass (1942)
Along the Sundown Trail (1942)
Perils of the Royal Mounted (1942)
The Lone Rider Fights Back (1941)
Пусть они летят / Keep 'Em Flying (1941)
The Lone Rider Ambushed (1941)
Железные когти / The Iron Claw (1941)
Billy the Kid in Santa Fe (1941)
The Lone Rider in Ghost Town (1941)
Billy the Kid's Fighting Pals (1941)
Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie (1941)
The Lone Rider Crosses the Rio (1941)
Outlaws of the Rio Grande (1941)
Billy the Kid's Gun Justice (1940)
Сын Военно-морского флота / Son of the Navy (1940)
Zorro's Fighting Legion (1939)
Мятеж в большом доме / Mutiny in the Big House (1939)
Поездка в Орегон / The Oregon Trail (1939)
Призрачная угроза / The Phantom Creeps (1939)
On the Great White Trail (1938)
Верная Рука - друг индейцев / Flaming Frontiers (1938)
Tex Rides with the Boy Scouts (1937)
The Luck of Roaring Camp (1937)
God's Country and the Man (1937)
The Mystery of the Hooded Horsemen (1937)
Неприятности в Техасе / Trouble in Texas (1937)
Любовь - это новости / Love Is News (1937)
The Phantom of the Range (1936)
Тень Чайнатауна / Shadow of Chinatown (1936)
Оклеветанная / Libeled Lady (1936)
Headin' for the Rio Grande (1936)
Tailspin Tommy in the Great Air Mystery (1935)
Приключения Рекса и Ринти / The Adventures of Rex and Rinty (1935)
The Red Blood of Courage (1935)
Чудесный наездник / The Miracle Rider (1935)
Ужас Аризоны / Arizona Terror (1931)