Andrew Jones

Режиссер (26)
Чужие: Поле битвы - Земля / Alien: Battlefield Earth (2021)
The Haunting of Margam Castle (2020)
The Curse of Halloween Jack (2019)
The Manson Family Massacre (2019)
Bundy and the Green River Killer (2019)
The Legend of Robert the Doll (2018)
Werewolves of the Third Reich (2017)
Проклятие куклы Роберт / The Curse of Robert the Doll (2016)
The Exorcism of Anna Ecklund (2016)
A Haunting at the Rectory (2015)
Последний дом на Семетри Лэйн / The Last House on Cemetery Lane (2015)
Сценарист (24)
The Haunting of Margam Castle (2020)
The Curse of Halloween Jack (2019)
The Manson Family Massacre (2019)
Bundy and the Green River Killer (2019)
The Legend of Halloween Jack (2018)
Проклятие куклы Роберт / The Curse of Robert the Doll (2016)
The Exorcism of Anna Ecklund (2016)
Убить Кейна / Kill Kane (2016)
A Haunting at the Rectory (2015)
Последний дом на Семетри Лэйн / The Last House on Cemetery Lane (2015)
The Midnight Horror Show (2014)
Продюсер (15)
The Haunting of Margam Castle (2020)
The Curse of Halloween Jack (2019)
The Manson Family Massacre (2019)