Jonas Mekas

Rights: Furiodetti, CC BY 3.0, through Wikimedia Commons.
Актер или актриса (31)
Film: The Living Record of Our Memory (2021)
Tiny Tim: King for a Day (2020)
Barbara Rubin and the Exploding NY Underground (2018)
Река основ / River of Fundament (2014)
Correspondencia Jonas Mekas - J.L. Guerin (2011)
Jack Smith and the Destruction of Atlantis (2006)
As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty (2000)
Scenes from Allen's Last Three Days on Earth as a Spirit (1997)
Warhol's Cinema 1963-1968: Mirror for the Sixties (1989)
He Stands in the Desert Counting the Seconds of His Life (1986)
The Queen of Sheba Meets the Atom Man (1963)
'Rameau's Nephew' by Diderot (Thanx to Dennis Young) by Wilma Schoen (1974)
Джон Леннон и Йоко Оно: Imagine / Imagine (1972)
Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania (1972)
Режиссер (18)
Sleepless Nights Stories (2011)
Correspondencia Jonas Mekas - J.L. Guerin (2011)
Lithuania and the Collapse of the USSR (2008)
A Letter from Greenpoint (2005)
As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty (2000)
Scenes from Allen's Last Three Days on Earth as a Spirit (1997)
Scenes from the Life of Andy Warhol: Friendships and Intersections (1990)
He Stands in the Desert Counting the Seconds of His Life (1986)