Gertrude Michael

Rights: produced by Paramount pictures and supplied to CINE MUNDIAL magazine, Public domain, through Wikimedia Commons.
Актер или актриса (39)
Перри Мэйсон / Perry Mason (1957)
Bugles in the Afternoon (1952)
Darling, How Could You! (1951)
Путь фламинго / Flamingo Road (1949)
I Can't Give You Anything but Love, Baby (1940)
The Return of Sophie Lang (1936)
Последняя застава / The Last Outpost (1935)
It Happened in New York (1935)
The Notorious Sophie Lang (1934)
Murder on the Blackboard (1934)
Убийство от тщеславия / Murder at the Vanities (1934)
George White's Scandals (1934)
Колыбельная / Cradle Song (1933)
Я - не ангел / I'm No Angel (1933)