John Eldredge

Актер или актриса (95)

Five Guns to Tombstone (1960)

Mister Ed (1961)

Freckles (1960)

The Twilight Zone (1959)

Бонанца / Bonanza (1959)

77 Сансет Стрип / 77 Sunset Strip (1958)

Я вышла замуж за монстра из космоса / I Married a Monster from Outer Space (1958)

The Texan (1958)

Casey Jones (1957)

Leave It to Beaver (1957)

Trackdown (1957)

Перри Мэйсон / Perry Mason (1957)

Dick Powell's Zane Grey Theatre (1956)

Кому-то там наверху я нравлюсь / Somebody Up There Likes Me (1956)

The Toughest Man Alive (1955)

The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp (1955)

Солдат удачи / Soldier of Fortune (1955)

Лазейка / Loophole (1954)

Захватчики с марса / Invaders from Mars (1953)

Girls in the Night (1953)

Приключения Супермена / Adventures of Superman (1952)

Снайпер / The Sniper (1952)

Street Bandits (1951)

Я люблю Люси / I Love Lucy (1951)

Американец в Париже / An American in Paris (1951)

Insurance Investigator (1951)

Rustlers on Horseback (1950)

Lonely Heart Bandits (1950)

Шампанское для Цезаря / Champagne for Caesar (1950)

Unmasked (1950)

The Lone Ranger (1949)

Top o' the Morning (1949)

The Sickle or the Cross (1949)

Бегство / Stampede (1949)

Небесный дракон / The Sky Dragon (1949)

Тихоня Смит / Whispering Smith (1948)

Jinx Money (1948)

Умная женщина / Smart Woman (1948)

Angels' Alley (1948)

Second Chance (1947)

Backlash (1947)

Тёмное алиби / Dark Alibi (1946)

The French Key (1946)

Passkey to Danger (1946)

Lost City of the Jungle (1946)

Swing Parade of 1946 (1946)

Up Goes Maisie (1946)

Live Wires (1946)

Dangerous Partners (1945)

The Master Key (1945)

Circumstantial Evidence (1945)

Eve Knew Her Apples (1945)

Dangerous Passage (1944)

Song of Nevada (1944)

Bermuda Mystery (1944)

Swing Out the Blues (1943)

Madame Spy (1942)

The Mad Doctor of Market Street (1942)

Mr. District Attorney in the Carter Case (1941)

Всё началось с Евы / It Started with Eve (1941)

Цветы в пыли / Blossoms in the Dust (1941)

Черная кошка / The Black Cat (1941)

Horror Island (1941)

Flight from Destiny (1941)

Горы высокой Сьерры / High Sierra (1941)

Always a Bride (1940)

The Devil's Pipeline (1940)

Son of Roaring Dan (1940)

Dr. Kildare's Strange Case (1940)

The Marines Fly High (1940)

Private Detective (1939)

Телевизионный шпион / Television Spy (1939)

Undercover Doctor (1939)

Blind Alley (1939)

Король преступного мира / King of the Underworld (1939)

Women Are Like That (1938)

Sh! The Octopus (1937)

One Mile from Heaven (1937)

Mr. Dodd Takes the Air (1937)

The Go Getter (1937)

Чарли Чан на Олимпийских играх / Charlie Chan at the Olympics (1937)

Честное предупреждение / Fair Warning (1937)

The Holy Terror (1937)

Mysterious Crossing (1936)

Murder by an Aristocrat (1936)

Snowed Under (1936)

The Murder of Dr. Harrigan (1936)

Опасная / Dangerous (1935)

The Goose and the Gander (1935)

Oil for the Lamps of China (1935)

The Girl from 10th Avenue (1935)

Женщина в красном / The Woman in Red (1935)

The White Cockatoo (1935)

Дорожка флирта / Flirtation Walk (1934)

Человек с двумя лицами / The Man with Two Faces (1934)