Gene Autry

Rights: Seattle Packing Company-Bar-S Brand, Public domain, through Wikimedia Commons.
Актер или актриса (90)
Night Stage to Galveston (1952)
Техас никогда не плачет / Texans Never Cry (1951)
Индейская территория / Indian Territory (1950)
Beyond the Purple Hills (1950)
The Cowboy and the Indians (1949)
Riders of the Whistling Pines (1949)
Twilight on the Rio Grande (1947)
Зов каньона / Call of the Canyon (1942)
Man from Music Mountain (1938)
Танцы в старом амбаре / The Old Barn Dance (1938)
Манхэттенская карусель / Manhattan Merry-Go-Round (1937)
Springtime in the Rockies (1937)
Yodelin' Kid from Pine Ridge (1937)
Git Along Little Dogies (1937)
Comin' 'Round the Mountain (1936)
Долина Красной реки / Red River Valley (1936)
Призрачная империя / The Phantom Empire (1935)