Larry Fine

Актер или актриса (215)
The Big Parade of Comedy (1964)
Техасская четверка / 4 for Texas (1963)
Этот безумный, безумный, безумный, безумный мир / It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world (1963)
Три Балбеса на орбите / The Three Stooges in Orbit (1962)
Трое комиков встречают Геркулеса / The Three Stooges Meet Hercules (1962)
Snow White and the Three Stooges (1961)
Have Rocket, Will Travel (1959)
Oil's Well That Ends Well (1958)
Muscle Up a Little Closer (1957)
Gypped in the Penthouse (1955)
Up in Daisy's Penthouse (1953)
Злоба во Дворце / Malice in the Palace (1949)
Squareheads of the Round Table (1948)
Моя сестра Эйлин / My Sister Eileen (1942)
In the Sweet Pie and Pie (1941)
All the World's a Stooge (1941)
Rockin' thru the Rockies (1940)
Oily to Bed, Oily to Rise (1939)
Yes, We Have No Bonanza (1939)
Three Little Sew and Sews (1939)
Violent Is the Word for Curly (1938)
Healthy, Wealthy and Dumb (1938)
Grips, Grunts and Groans (1937)
The Captain Hates the Sea (1934)