Budd Buster

Актер или актриса (144)
Sheriff of Redwood Valley (1946)
Расхитители джунглей / Jungle Raiders (1945)
Проклятие мумии / The Mummy's Curse (1944)
Thundering Gun Slingers (1944)
Riders of the Rio Grande (1943)
Outlaws of Boulder Pass (1942)
Deep in the Heart of Texas (1942)
Зов каньона / Call of the Canyon (1942)
Billy the Kid's Smoking Guns (1942)
Heart of the Rio Grande (1942)
The Lone Star Vigilantes (1942)
Джесси Джеймс в заливе / Jesse James at Bay (1941)
The Lone Rider in Frontier Fury (1941)
The Lone Rider in Ghost Town (1941)
Billy the Kid's Fighting Pals (1941)
Хозяин царства гор / King of the Royal Mounted (1940)
Adventures of Red Ryder (1940)
Зов крови / Dark Command (1940)
The Courageous Dr. Christian (1940)
Zorro's Fighting Legion (1939)
Mutiny on the Blackhawk (1939)
The Luck of Roaring Camp (1937)
Под чужими знаменами / Under Strange Flags (1937)
Старая Луизиана / Old Louisiana (1937)