William S. Burroughs

Rights: Re-cropped derivative work: Burn t (talk, CC BY-SA 2.0, through Wikimedia Commons.
Актер или актриса (26)
Don't Blink - Robert Frank (2015)
Баллада о Дженезисе и Леди Джей / The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye (2011)
Уильям Берроуз: Человек внутри / William S. Burroughs: A Man Within (2010)
Let It Come Down: The Life of Paul Bowles (1998)
Книга жизни / The Book of Life (1998)
Даже девушки-ковбои иногда грустят / Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (1993)
The Life and Times of Allen Ginsberg (1994)
Wax, or the Discovery of Television among the Bees (1991)
William S. Burroughs: Commissioner of Sewers (1991)
Ищейки с Бродвея / Bloodhounds of Broadway (1989)
Аптечный ковбой / Drugstore Cowboy (1989)
Ornette: Made in America (1985)