Patti Smith

Актер или актриса (23)
Werner Herzog - Radical Dreamer (2022)
Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese (2019)
Ex Libris: The New York Public Library (2017)
Clive Davis: The Soundtrack of Our Lives (2017)
Между нами музыка / Song to Song (2017)
Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures (2016)
Three Stones for Jean Genet (2014)
Уильям Берроуз: Человек внутри / William S. Burroughs: A Man Within (2010)
The Promise: The Making of Darkness on the Edge of Town (2010)
Фильм социализм / Film socialisme (2010)
Патти Смит / Patti Smith: Dream of Life (2008)
Annie Leibovitz: Life through a Lens (2006)
Black White + Gray: A Portrait of Sam Wagstaff and Robert Mapplethorpe (2007)
Большая пустота / The Big Empty (2003)
Jeff Buckley: Everybody Here Wants You (2002)
Закон и порядок: преступные намерения / Law & Order: Criminal Intent (2001)
Карапузы / The Rugrats Movie (1998)
Scenes from Allen's Last Three Days on Earth as a Spirit (1997)